Tags: Aqua Claudia, Aqueducts, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Arch of Titus, Arches, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Corinthian order, Domus Aurea, Italy, Palaces, Roman architecture, Roman Forum (Rome), Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Ancient agorae, Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Corinthian order, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman Forum (Rome), Roman monuments, Rome, Temple of Castor and Pollux (Rome), Views
Tags: Ancient agorae, Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Corinthian order, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman Forum (Rome), Roman monuments, Rome, Temple of Jupiter Tonans (Rome), Views
Tags: Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Corinthian order, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman Forum (Rome), Roman monuments, Rome, Temple of Saturn (Rome), Views
Tags: Arch of Septimius Severus, Arches, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Church of San Lorenzo in Miranda (Rome), Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Churches, Italy, Porticoes - Stoas, Religious practices, Rome, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina (Rome), Views
Tags: Ancient agorae, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Forum of Nerva / Foro Transitorio Rome), Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Column of Trajan (Rome), Forum of Trajan, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Ancient agorae, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Forum of Trajan, Irrigation systems, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Baths of Diocletian, Irrigation systems, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Roman thermae, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Baths of Titus (Terme di Tito), Irrigation systems, Italy, Plans and drawings, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Roman thermae, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Baths of Titus (Terme di Tito), Interiors, Irrigation systems, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Roman thermae, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Baths of Titus (Terme di Tito), Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Roman thermae, Rome, Views
Tags: Arch of Galienus / Porta Esquilina, Arches, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Early Christian Monuments, Italy, Nymphaea, Nymphaeum of Alexander / Trofei di Mario Nymphaeum (Rome), Plans and drawings, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Aqua Claudia, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Basilica of Santo Stefano al Monte Celio / Santo Stefano Rotondo (Rome), Churches, Interiors, Irrigation systems, Italy, Religious practices, Rome, Views
Tags: Aqueducts, Arch of Dolabella and Silanus, Architecture and built environment, Arcus Neroniani / Nero's Aqueduct (Rome), Art and antiquities, Gates, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Aqua Claudia, Arches, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Caelian Hill / Collis Caelius (Rome), Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Aventine hill, Caelian Hill / Collis Caelius (Rome), Irrigation systems, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views, Walls
Tags: Aqueducts, Architecture and built environment, Arcus Neroniani / Nero's Aqueduct (Rome), Art and antiquities, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Aventine hill, Houses, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Cloaca Maxima (Rome), Irrigation systems, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
Tags: Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Corinthian order, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Temple of Hercules Olivarius (Rome)
Tags: Arch of Janus, Arches, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Casa dei Crescenzi / Casa di Cola di Rienzo, Houses, Italy, Medieval architecture, Medieval monuments, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Bridges, Italy, Pons Aemilius/ Ponte Emilio (Rome), Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Irrigation systems, Italy, Porticoes - Stoas, Porticus Aemilia (Rome), Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
Tags: Aqua Claudia, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Baths of Caracalla, Italy, Plans and drawings, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Roman thermae, Rome
Tags: Aqueduct of Antoninus, Aqueducts, Arch of Drusus (Rome), Arches, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Rome, Views
Tags: Ancient pottery / Vase painting, Anio Novo aqueduct, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Funerary monuments, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Irrigation systems, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Temple of Speranza Vecchia (Rome), Views
Tags: Aqua Claudia, Aqueducts, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Gates, Italy, Porta Maggiore (Rome), Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Aqua Claudia, Aqueducts, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Gates, Italy, Porta Maggiore (Rome), Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Nymphaea, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Temple of Minerva Medica (Rome), Views
Tags: Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Walls
Tags: Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Corinthian order, Italy, Pantheon (Rome), Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Corinthian order, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Pantheon (Rome), Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Art and antiquities, Church of San Lorenzo in Miranda (Rome), Corinthian order, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Squares
Tags: Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Churches, Houses, Italy, Piazza Colonna (Rome), Religious practices, Rome, Temple of Antoninus and Faustina (Rome), Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Column of Marcus Aurelius (Colonna di Marco Aurelio), Fountains / Springs, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Acqua Vergine, Aqueducts, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Aqua Alsietina, Aqueducts, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Muro Torto (Rome), Plans and drawings, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Walls
Tags: Aqua Julia, Aqueducts, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Plans and drawings, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Aurelian Walls (Rome), Gates, Italy, Plans and drawings, Porta San Lorenzo (Rome), Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Walls
Tags: Anio Vetus aqueduct, Aqueducts, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
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