Tags: Amphitheatres, Amphitheatrum Castrense), Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Views
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Italy, Rome
Tags: Art and antiquities, Italy, Maps, Rome
Tags: Art and antiquities, Forma Urbis Romae, Italy, Maps, Rome
Tags: Art and antiquities, Inscriptions, Italy, Roman inscriptions, Rome
Tags: Art and antiquities, Inscriptions, Italy, Roman army, Roman inscriptions, Rome
Tags: Title page
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Captives, Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Prisons, Rome, Torture
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Funerary monuments, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Mausoleums, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Roman sarcophagi, Rome, Sphinxes
Tags: Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Reliefs, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Funerary monuments, Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Mausoleums, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
Tags: Ancient temples, Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Fountains / Springs, Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Porticoes - Stoas, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Porticoes - Stoas, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Fountains / Springs, Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Palaces, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Fountains / Springs, Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Interiors, Italy, Rome
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Art and antiquities, Capitoline Hill (Rome), Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Italy, Obelisks, Roman architecture, Roman monuments, Rome, Sculptures, Temple of Jupiter (Capitoline Hill), Women
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