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The main entrance (Sublime Porte) to Topkapi Palace, Istanbul.
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Costume - Hats and headwear, Economic activities, Ethnic groups, Fountain of Sultan Ahmed III (III. Sultan Ahmet Çeşmesi), Fountains / Springs, Gates, Human types, Istanbul, Itinerant traders, Janissaries, Military officers, Ottoman monuments, Ottoman officials, Ottoman palaces, Smoking, Social sphere and everyday life, State and military institutions - Diplomatic relations, Thrace, Topkapi Palace (Topkapı Sarayı), Turks, Views, Women
View of the Second Gate of Topkapi Palace, know also as Middle or Gate of Salutation.
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Costume - Hats and headwear, Ethnic groups, Gates, Human types, Istanbul, Janissaries, Military officers, Ottoman monuments, Ottoman officials, Ottoman palaces, State and military institutions - Diplomatic relations, Thrace, Topkapi Palace (Topkapı Sarayı), Turks, Views
View of the Third Gate of the Topkapi Palace, known as Gate of Felicity.
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Costume - Hats and headwear, Ethnic groups, Gate of Felicity / Bab-üs Saadet (Istanbul), Gates, Human types, Istanbul, Ottoman monuments, Ottoman officials, Ottoman palaces, State and military institutions - Diplomatic relations, Thrace, Topkapi Palace (Topkapı Sarayı), Turks, Views
View of Tophane square in Istanbul. In the background the Imperial Armory and the Mosque of Kılıç Ali Paşa.
Tags: Architecture and built environment, Boats and ships, Bosporus, Fountain of Mahmut I / I. Mahmut Sultan Çeşmesi, Fountains / Springs, Imperial armoury / Tophane-i Amire, Istanbul, Kiliç Ali Pasha Complex (Kılıç Ali Paşa Külliye), Mosques, Ottoman monuments, Palaces, Thrace, Tophane, Turkey, Views
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