WRIGHT, George Newenham. The Rhine, Italy, and Greece. In a Series of Drawings from Nature… With historical and legendary Descriptions by the Rev. G.N. Wright, vols I-II, London/Paris, Fisher, Son & Co. [ca. 1842].
The Irishman George Newenham Wright (c. 1794-1877) was born in Dublin and studied at Trinity College. He lived in London, where he taught Classics.…
HOBHOUSE, John Cam, Lord Broughton. A Journey through Albania, and other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople, during the Years 1809 and 1810 … Second Edition, vols Ι-II, London, James Cawthorn, 1813.
John Cam Hobhouse (1786-1869), later Lord Broughton, travelled to the East accompanying his friend and fellow student at Cambridge, Lord Byron, who…
WHELER, George. A Journey into Greece… In Company of Dr Spon of Lyons. In six Books. Containing I…, II…, III…, IV…, V…, VI…, London, William Cademan, Robert Kettlewell and Awnsham Churchill, 1682.
George Wheler (1650-1723) was born in the Netherlands to a royalist English family that had fled Cromwellian England. He fathered eighteen children.…
PUAUX, René. Grèce. Terre aimée des Dieux, Paris [G. de Maleherbe], MCMXXXII [=1932].
The French historian and journalist René Puaux (1878-1936) worked for the internationally renowned Parisian newspaper "Le Temps" and was a fervent…
LABORDE, Léon Emmanuel S.J. de, Marquis. Athènes aux XVe, XVIe et XVIIe siècles, Paris, Jules Renouard, 1854.
Simon Joseph Léon Emmanuel, Marquis de Laborde (1807-1869) was a French archaeologist and politician. At the age of twenty he accompanied his father…
ESTOURMEL, Joseph d’, Comte. Album du Journal d’un Voyage en Orient, Paris, Imprimeurs Unis, 1848.
Joseph Count of Estourmel (1783-1853) travelled the Greek coast from June 1832 to September 1833. Already in his fifties, with this trip he fulfilled…
DAPPER, Olfert. Naukeurige Beschryving der Eilanden in de Archipel der Middelantsche Zee, …, Cyprus, Rhodes, Kandien, Samos, Scio, Negroponte, Lemnos, Paros, Delos, Patmos, en andere, in groten getale…, Amsterdam, Wolfgangh,…, 1688.
The Flemish physician Olfert Dapper (1636-1689), a man of letters and an excellent Classical scholar, was born in Amsterdam and studied in Utrecht.…
NICOLAY, Nicolas de. Le Navigationi et viaggi, fatti nella Turchia … Novamente tradotto di Francese in Italiano da Francesco Flori da Lilla, Aritmetico…, Venice, Francesco Ziletti, 1580.
Nicolas de Nicolay left his native France at the age of 25 and for sixteen years travelled in Germany, Denmark, Prussia, Sweden, England, Scotland and…
BARTHÉLEMY, Jean Jacques. Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, vers le milieu du quatrième siècle avant l’ère vulgaire. – Atlas, Paris, Abel Ledoux fils, 1832.
Jean Jacques Barthélemy (1716-1795), also known as Abbé Barthélemy, was born into a well-to-do family in the South of France. Literatus,…
BRUYN, Cornelis de. Voyages...
The Flemish traveller and artist Cornelis de Bruyn (1652-1727) departed from the Hague in 1674 and journeyed through the East until 1693. On his…
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