The Arch of Hadrian, Athens: Fig. 1. The capital and base of the Attic square columns on the upper order. Fig. 2. A section through the capital. Fig. 3. The curve of the abacus; of the capital taken upon the listel under the ovolo. Fig. 4. A section of the architrave, and lacunaria, in the soffit of the niches, with the partition between them, which still remains as low as to the bottom of the capitals. Fig. 5. Half the flower upon the apex of the pediment, in its present state.

Dublin Core


STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas


The Arch of Hadrian, Athens: Fig. 1. The capital and base of the Attic square columns on the upper order. Fig. 2. A section through the capital. Fig. 3. The curve of the abacus; of the capital taken upon the listel under the ovolo. Fig. 4. A section of the architrave, and lacunaria, in the soffit of the niches, with the partition between them, which still remains as low as to the bottom of the capitals. Fig. 5. Half the flower upon the apex of the pediment, in its present state.

Alternative Title

Fig. 1. The capital and base of the Attic square columns on the upper order. Fig. 2. A section through the capital. Fig. 3. The curve of the abacus; of the capital taken upon the listel under the ovolo. Fig. 4. A section of the architrave, and lacunaria, in the soffit of the niches, with the partition between them, which still remains as low as to the bottom of the capitals. Fig. 5. Half the flower upon the apex of the pediment, in its present state.



Bibliographic Citation

STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas. The Antiquities of Athens measured and delineated by James Stuart F.R.S. and F.S.A. and Nicholas Revett painters and architects, vol. III (ed. Willey Reveley), London, John Nichols, 1794.



Table Of Contents

III, 3, X

Spatial Coverage





Art and antiquities

Architecture and built environment


Item Relations

This item has no relations.



STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas, “The Arch of Hadrian, Athens: Fig. 1. The capital and base of the Attic square columns on the upper order. Fig. 2. A section through the capital. Fig. 3. The curve of the abacus; of the capital taken upon the listel under the ovolo. Fig. 4. A section of the architrave, and lacunaria, in the soffit of the niches, with the partition between them, which still remains as low as to the bottom of the capitals. Fig. 5. Half the flower upon the apex of the pediment, in its present state.,” travelogues, accessed March 12, 2025,