The Arch of Hadrian, Athens: Fig. 1. The capital and base of the half columns in the upper order of the arch, with the entablature they support. Fig 2. Section through the capital. Fig. 3. Curve of the abacus of the capital, taken on its listel.
Dublin Core
STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas
The Arch of Hadrian, Athens: Fig. 1. The capital and base of the half columns in the upper order of the arch, with the entablature they support. Fig 2. Section through the capital. Fig. 3. Curve of the abacus of the capital, taken on its listel.
Alternative Title
Fig. 1. The capital and base of the half columns in the upper order of the arch, with the entablature they support. Fig 2. Section through the capital. Fig. 3. Curve of the abacus of the capital, taken on its listel.
Bibliographic Citation
STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas. The Antiquities of Athens measured and delineated by James Stuart F.R.S. and F.S.A. and Nicholas Revett painters and architects, vol. III (ed. Willey Reveley), London, John Nichols, 1794.Identifier
Table Of Contents
III, 3, IX
Spatial Coverage
Art and antiquities
Architecture and built environment
Item Relations
This item has no relations.
STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas, “The Arch of Hadrian, Athens: Fig. 1. The capital and base of the half columns in the upper order of the arch, with the entablature they support. Fig 2. Section through the capital. Fig. 3. Curve of the abacus of the capital, taken on its listel. ,” travelogues, accessed March 12, 2025,