Historische und Malerische Wanderungen in Griechenland. Kriegs- und Reiseszenen aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Nach den Schilderungen von Blaquiere, Castellan, Chandler, Clarke, Iken, Klüber, Müller, Pouqueville, Prdl, Quin, Raffenel, Squire, Thiersch, Tietz, Voutier u. A. Herausgegeben von Professor Dr. J. M. Braun. Mit zwölf Stahlstichen

Dublin Core


Braun, Johann M., (Editor)


Historische und Malerische Wanderungen in Griechenland. Kriegs- und Reiseszenen aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Nach den Schilderungen von Blaquiere, Castellan, Chandler, Clarke, Iken, Klüber, Müller, Pouqueville, Prdl, Quin, Raffenel, Squire, Thiersch, Tietz, Voutier u. A. Herausgegeben von Professor Dr. J. M. Braun. Mit zwölf Stahlstichen



Bibliographic Citation

Braun, Johann M., Historische und Malerische Wanderungen in Griechenland. Kriegs- und Reiseszenen aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Nach den Schilderungen von Blaquiere, Castellan, Chandler, Clarke, Iken, Klüber, Müller, Pouqueville, Prdl, Quin, Raffenel, Squire, Thiersch, Tietz, Voutier u. A. Herausgegeben von Professor Dr. J. M. Braun. Mit zwölf Stahlstichen. Stuttgart: Franz Heinrich Köhler, 1837


viii+200+176+67+[4]p. : with steel engravings: 1 frontispiece, 11 plates, 19cm.



Publication Item Type Metadata


Braun, Johann M.


Franz Heinrich Köhler


Voutier; Blaquiere; Pouqueville; Gottfried Müller; Chandler; Quin; Clarke; Tietz; Squire; Predl

General Remarks

A collection of excerpts from different works by various authors. The book is arranged in three parts. Part I deals with the Greek War of Independence and covers the period from 1821 to 1829; Part II includes a collection of traveller's accounts to Greece and Part III includes reflections on the educational institutions, literature and poetry of modern Greece.

Remarks book

viii=[i] t-p, [ii] Printer's Imprint [iii]-v Prologue vi-viii Contents; 200p=Part I; 176p=Part II; 67p.=Part III; [4] at end=Publisher's Advertisements

Remarks content

Part I includes: Voutier's journey to Greece in 1821; Blaquiere's account of the massacre at Chios; Pouqueville's account of the siege at Messolonghi and the fights in Crete; Klüber's accounts of the 3rd, 4th and 5th Mesolonghi sieges in 1825, Navarino, the defeat of the Greeks in Athens and the civil war in Nauplio, all in 1827; an account of the administration under Capodistria for the years 1830-1831; and Gess' narration on the state of Greece under King Otho. Part II includes: Pouqueville's voyages from 1798-1801; Gottfried Müller's trip to Greece in 1824, when he visited the Peloponnese, Spetses, Hydra and Chios (which had probably appeared in article form in newspapers and magazines); Chandler's trip to Hydra; an excerpt from Barthelemy's description of Athens from "Anacharsis"; Quin's visit to Athens in 1834 and Clarke's account of Corinth in 1801 and his visit to Delphi; excerpts from Tietz's "Skizzen aus Griechenland" in 1834; Squire's visit to Marathon; and Predl's account of Athens, taken from "Erinnerungen aus Griechenland" 1833-1835, as well as his account of King Otho and his retinue establishing themselves in Athens.


Ύδρα--1797, Ύδρα--1821, Ύδρα--1824, Ελλάς--18ος-19ος αι., Μονεμβασιά--1821, Ναυαρίνο--1821, Ναυαρίνο--1827, Τρίπολη--1821, Κόρινθος--1801, Κόρινθος--1821, Μεσολόγγι--1821, Μεσολόγγι--1825, Αθήνα--1827, Αθήνα--1834, Πελοπόννησος--1798-1801, Πελοπόννησος--1824, Σπέτσες--1824, Ναύπλιο--1834


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Braun, Johann M., (Editor), “Historische und Malerische Wanderungen in Griechenland. Kriegs- und Reiseszenen aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Nach den Schilderungen von Blaquiere, Castellan, Chandler, Clarke, Iken, Klüber, Müller, Pouqueville, Prdl, Quin, Raffenel, Squire, Thiersch, Tietz, Voutier u. A. Herausgegeben von Professor Dr. J. M. Braun. Mit zwölf Stahlstichen,” travelogues, accessed February 26, 2025, https://english.travelogues.gr/items/show/40850.