F. W. Häckländer's Werke. Erste Gesammt-Ausgabe. Zweite Auflage. Achter Band - [Neunter Band]

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Hackländer, Friedrich Wilhelm


F. W. Häckländer's Werke. Erste Gesammt-Ausgabe. Zweite Auflage. Achter Band - [Neunter Band]



Bibliographic Citation

Hackländer, Friedrich Wilhelm, (1816-1877), F. W. Häckländer's Werke. Erste Gesammt-Ausgabe. Zweite Auflage. Achter Band - [Neunter Band]. Stuttgart: Verlag von Adolph Krabbe, 1863


2v. (280p., 372p.), 16cm.


G915.6 -H12f -0Φ3522 G915.6 -H12f -0Φ3523

Publication Item Type Metadata

Remarks person

Hackländer seems to have had a colourful life. He grew up poor and an orphan, had some unsuccessful forays into trade and tried to establish himself as a writer, but with little success. After his trip to the Orient, however, he was appointed counsellor (Hofrat) and in 1843 he became secretary and travel companion to Karl, Crown Prince of Württemberg. From then on, he became one of the most prolific and successful writers of his time. He was instrumental in founding a series of literary associations, worked as a war correspondent and finally became the director of the building and garden of the Castle in Stuttgart.

Remarks book

"Reise in den Orient" was first published separately in 1846. The text is a reworking of Hackländer's earlier "Daguerreotypen" (Stuttgart, 1842). Volumes eight and nine of the first collected edition of Hackländer's works are devoted to "Reise in den Orient" . Volume eight is the first edition, second issue (Zweite Auflage). Vol. 8: [1] h-t to series: F. W. Hackländer's Werke. VIII Band [2] blank [3] t-p [4] Printer's Imprint [5] Reise in den Orient. Erster Band [6] blank [7]-280 Text. Vol. 9: [1] h-t to series: F. W. Hackländer's Werke. IX Band [2] blank [3] t-p [4] Printer's Imprint [5] Reise in den Orient. Zweiter Band [6] blank [7]-372 Text

Remarks content

"Reise in den Orient" describes the travels of four men who went to the Orient together in 1840-1841. The travellers were: Baron Wilhelm von Taubenheim (1805-1849); Friedrich Frisch (1813-1886), a painter and lithographer at the court of Baden, who travelled to the Orient on behalf of Wilhelm I, King of Württemberg and in 1843 published a series of lithographs ("Skizzen aus dem Orient") with texts by Hackländer; Dr. Bopp, a medical doctor; and Hackländer himself. The four men set off from Stuttgart in September 1840, later sailing up the Danube to Wallachia. Crossing Bulgaria they arrived in Turkey, and spent some time in Constantinople and Smyrna. They then went to Rhodes and Cyprus, before travelling on to Beirut.


Εγγύς Ανατολή--19ος αι., Κωνσταντινούπολη--1841, Τουρκία--1841, Συρία--19ος αι., Παλαιστίνη--19ος αι., Αίγυπτος--19ος αι., Μολδοβλαχία--1841, Βουλγαρία--1841, Θράκη--1841, Αδριανούπολη--1841, Σμύρνη--1841, Ρόδος--1841, Κύπρος--1841, Μουδανιά--1841


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Hackländer, Friedrich Wilhelm, “F. W. Häckländer's Werke. Erste Gesammt-Ausgabe. Zweite Auflage. Achter Band - [Neunter Band],” travelogues, accessed February 26, 2025, https://english.travelogues.gr/items/show/40843.