Ein Besuch auf Korfu und Cefalonien im September 1858. Vortrag gehalten den 10. Februar 1859 von Alb. Mousson. Nebst speciellen Zusïtsen
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Mousson, Albert
Ein Besuch auf Korfu und Cefalonien im September 1858. Vortrag gehalten den 10. Februar 1859 von Alb. Mousson. Nebst speciellen Zusïtsen
Bibliographic Citation
Mousson, Albert, (1805-1890), Ein Besuch auf Korfu und Cefalonien im September 1858. Vortrag gehalten den 10. Februar 1859 von Alb. Mousson. Nebst speciellen Zusïtsen. Zürich: Fr. Schulthess, 1859
[iv]+83p., 19cm.
GT107 - M93e A - 0Φ2149 c. 1
Publication Item Type Metadata
Fr. Schulthess
Mousson, Albert
Remarks person
The Swiss-born Albert Mousson was a noted physicist and geologist, who became Professor of Physics at the University of Zurich upon its foundation in 1833. He was also a prolific writer on scientific subjects and a noted collector of snails.
Remarks book
[iv]=[i] t-p [ii] Corrigenda [iii] Table of Contents [iv] blank
Remarks content
Mousson travelled to the Ionian Islands in September 1858 and in February of the same year he gave a lecture on this journey. The book described here is a transcription of that lecture, with added information that provide an interesting background to his voyage. The author spent 10 days at Corfu, visited Levkada very briefly and then spent another ten days at Cephallonia, where he witnessed an earthquake and the funeral of the Catholic Archbishop while in Argostoli.
Κέρκυρα--1858, Κεφαλλονιά--1858, Νησιά Ιονίου--1858, Αργοστόλι--1858
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Mousson, Albert, “Ein Besuch auf Korfu und Cefalonien im September 1858. Vortrag gehalten den 10. Februar 1859 von Alb. Mousson. Nebst speciellen Zusïtsen ,” travelogues, accessed February 26, 2025, https://english.travelogues.gr/items/show/40835.