Orientalische Briefe. Von Ida Gräfin Hahn-Hahn. Erster Band - [Zweiter Band].

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Hahn-Hahn, Ida Marie Louise, Countess


Orientalische Briefe. Von Ida Gräfin Hahn-Hahn. Erster Band - [Zweiter Band].



Bibliographic Citation

Hahn-Hahn, Ida Marie Louise, Countess, (1805-1880), Orientalische Briefe. Von Ida Gräfin Hahn-Hahn. Erster Band - [Zweiter Band]. Berlin: Verlag von Alexander Duncker, 1844


2 v. (viii+383+[1]p., [i]+346+[2]p.), 18cm.


G915.6 H14o - 0Φ3237 G915.6 H14o - 0Φ3238

Publication Item Type Metadata


Verlag von Alexander Duncker


Hahn-Hahn, Ida

General Remarks

"Orientalische Briefe" has been translated into English twice: an anonymous translation was published in London by Henry Colburn in 1845 and a translation by Samuel Philips was published by J. C. Moore in London in the same year. Blackmer 733 (on first edition in English); Atabey 549 (on second edition in English)

Remarks person

Ida Hahn-Hahn was a novelist, who has frequently been compared to Georges Sand and Lady Hester Stanhope. She was the grand-daughter of the philosopher and astronomer of Friedrich von Hahn. She married one of her cousins, Friedrich Graf Hahn, with whom she had a daughter. After their divorce, she embarked on a long-term relationship with Adolf Baron Bystram, and had a son by him. The couple travelled together to France, Italy and the Orient. Ida Hahn-Hahn converted to Catholicism in her later years and founded a nunnery in Mainz, where she lived in relative seclusion and wrote books on Church history.

Remarks book

Ex-Libris: Nathan Shur (1923-?). Vol. I: viii=[i] t-p; [iii]-viii Table of Contents to all three volumes; [1]=Publisher's Imprint. Vol. II: i=t-p; [2]=Publisher's Advertisements

Remarks content

Countess Ida Hahn-Hahn travelled to the Orient in the company of an unnamed friend (who may, in fact, have been her long-term partner, Baron Adolf Bystram). This work describes her journey in a series of letters sent to her family and friends. It consists of three volumes but only the first two are included in the EJF collection.

The travellers arrived in Constantinople in September 1843 and from there travelled down the coast of Asia Minor to Smyrna, Chios, Rhodes and Cyprus, later continuing their journey to Damascus, Beirut and Jerusalem. The return journey (which is detailed in the third volume of this work) took them to Trieste via Cairo, Alexandria, Piraeus and Syros. While at Smyrna they met the author Franz Grillparzer (1791-1872).


Κωνσταντινούπολη--1843, Σμύρνη--1843, Χίος--1843, Ρόδος--1843, Κύπρος--1843, Λάρνακα--1843, Ιερουσαλήμ--1843


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Hahn-Hahn, Ida Marie Louise, Countess, “Orientalische Briefe. Von Ida Gräfin Hahn-Hahn. Erster Band - [Zweiter Band].,” travelogues, accessed February 26, 2025, https://english.travelogues.gr/items/show/40825.