Wanderungen in Griechenland in Gefolge des Königs Otto und der Königinn Amalie. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Topographie und Geschichte aufgezeichnet von Ludwig Ross … Neue wohlfeilere Ausgabe der Griech. Königs=Reisen. Erster Band - [Zweiter Band. Mit einer Karte].
Dublin Core
Ross, Ludwig
Wanderungen in Griechenland in Gefolge des Königs Otto und der Königinn Amalie. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Topographie und Geschichte aufgezeichnet von Ludwig Ross … Neue wohlfeilere Ausgabe der Griech. Königs=Reisen. Erster Band - [Zweiter Band. Mit einer Karte].
Bibliographic Citation
Ross, Ludwig, (1806-1859), Wanderungen in Griechenland in Gefolge des Königs Otto und der Königinn Amalie. Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Topographie und Geschichte aufgezeichnet von Ludwig Ross … Neue wohlfeilere Ausgabe der Griech. Königs=Reisen. Erster Band - [Zweiter Band. Mit einer Karte]. Halle: C. A. Schwetschke & Sohn, 1851
2 v. bound in 1 v. (xix+[i]+256p.; viii+256p.) : 1 lithographed fold. map in vol. II, 22cm.
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Volume I includes accounts of five voyages, undertaken between 1834 and 1840. From September 13, to October 12, 1834, the King and his retinue travelled to what was then northern Greece and encountered a gang of robbers, the Chondroiannis brothers, while in Livadia. In February 1836 they travelled with King Ludwig of Bavaria to the Cyclades, the Argosaronic Islands, Argos and Corinth, aboard the British warship “Medea”. The name-day of the King occasioned a trip to Aegina on September 30th, 1839. The following year, the travelers went to the Peloponese, departing on the 9th of May 1840 and crossing the Isthmus of Corinth. Finally, from September 29 to October 10, 1840, they took a journey through the Aegean sea and visited a series of churches and monasteries in the Cyclades.
The second volume continues with accounts of eight more voyages. In May 1841, the King and his retinue visited Argolida and Lakonia, travelling aboard the King’s ship, “Othon”. Travelling aboard “Othon” again, they visited Evia and the northern Sporades during September 1841. On June 8, 1843 they took a day-trip to Hymettus; on September 24, 1844 they went to Phylae and on September 27 of the same year they went to Eleusina. In October 1844 they visited Evia, Boetia and Lokrida. Day-trips to Sounion and Marathonas are described later on, undertaken on November 10, 1832 and May 1845. Finally, from May 29 to June 14, 1845 they went to Evia, Oitta and Parnassus.
The Appendix to the second volume includes the account of a journey the author undertook by himself in April 1834. He travelled from Sparta, where he was leading the excavations, to the northern Mani.
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