Notes of a wanderer, in search of health, through Italy, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, up the Danube, and down the Rhine. By W. F. Cumming, M.D. Late Bengal Medical Establishment; member of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh; associate member of the Egyptian Society of Cairo; and corresponding member of the Medical Society of Athens ... In two volumes. Vol. I [Vol. II]. Second edition, Revised and Corrected.

Dublin Core


Cumming, William Fullarton


Notes of a wanderer, in search of health, through Italy, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, up the Danube, and down the Rhine. By W. F. Cumming, M.D. Late Bengal Medical Establishment; member of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh; associate member of the Egyptian Society of Cairo; and corresponding member of the Medical Society of Athens ... In two volumes. Vol. I [Vol. II]. Second edition, Revised and Corrected.



Bibliographic Citation

Cumming, William Fullarton, (1804-1892), Notes of a wanderer, in search of health, through Italy, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, up the Danube, and down the Rhine. By W. F. Cumming, M.D. Late Bengal Medical Establishment; member of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh; associate member of the Egyptian Society of Cairo; and corresponding member of the Medical Society of Athens ... In two volumes. Vol. I [Vol. II]. Second edition, Revised and Corrected. London: Saunders and Otley, Blackwood and Sons; Edinburgh, 1840


2 v. ([ii]+[i]+xix+[i]+415 p., xv+[i]+360p.) : with wood engravings: 1 frontispiece, 1 fold. map in Vol. I, 1 frontispiece in Vol. II, 21cm.


GT13 - C97n A - 00Φ208 c. 1 GT13 - C97n A - 00Φ209 c. 1

Publication Item Type Metadata


Saunders and Otley, Blackwood and Sons


Cumming, William Fullarton

General Remarks

Second edition of a work first published in 1839. References: Blackmer 430 (on first edition).

Remarks book

Vol. I: [ii]=Reviews of the work published in the press; [i]= h-t; xix=[i] t-p [ii] Printer's Imprint [iii] Dedication to Sir William Cummings [iv] blank [v]-[vi] Preface to the 2nd edition, dated 1839 [vii]-xi Preface to the 1st edition [xii] blank [xiii]-xix Table of Contents. Vol. II: xv=[i] h-t (upper half of the page missing) [iii] t-p [iv] Printer's Imprint [v] Dedication to W. F. Campbell, dated 1839 [vii]-xv Table of Contents

Remarks content

Cumming travelled to the East in 1836-1837 for reasons of health. The book consists of a series of diary entries, detailing the traveller's progress through Europe and the Near East, and his narrative is particularly valuable for his account of Egypt. His description of Greece and Constantinople can be found in the second volume. Cumming arrived at Patras in April 1837. During May he travelled to Athens via Corinth, and then went to Constantinople via Syros. His intention was to visit Smyrna, but news that the city was under quarantine because of the plague, prevented him from landing. While in Athens he met with the American missionary Mr Hill and saw the school that Hill had founded; he also met with the British Minister, Sir Edmund Lyons. When he landed at Syros he met Messrs Robertson and Hillner, both missionaries who had founded schools on the island; and in Constantinople he met with Lord Ponsoby, the British Ambassador and Mr. Cartwirght, the English consul in the city. Cumming left Constantinople on June 22nd, and sailed up the Danube.


Αίγυπτος--1836, Ιταλία--1836, Ελλάς--1837, Πάτρα--1837, Κόρινθος--1837, Αθήνα--1837, Δούναβης--1837, Σύρος--1837, Κωνσταντινούπολη--1837, Μέγαρα--1837


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Cumming, William Fullarton, “Notes of a wanderer, in search of health, through Italy, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, up the Danube, and down the Rhine. By W. F. Cumming, M.D. Late Bengal Medical Establishment; member of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh; associate member of the Egyptian Society of Cairo; and corresponding member of the Medical Society of Athens ... In two volumes. Vol. I [Vol. II]. Second edition, Revised and Corrected.,” travelogues, accessed February 26, 2025,