Reisen in der Levante in den Jahren 1859-65. In Briefen an Freunde von H. Scherer. -- Zweite vermehrte Ausgabe.
Dublin Core
Scherer, Hermann
Reisen in der Levante in den Jahren 1859-65. In Briefen an Freunde von H. Scherer. -- Zweite vermehrte Ausgabe.
Bibliographic Citation
Scherer, Hermann, (1816-1903), Reisen in der Levante in den Jahren 1859-65. In Briefen an Freunde von H. Scherer. -- Zweite vermehrte Ausgabe. -- Frankfurt a.M. : Christian Winter, 1886
[viii]+446p., 19cm.
G915.6 - S32r - 0Φ2281 c. 1
Publication Item Type Metadata
Christian Winter
Scherer, Herman
General Remarks
The EJF collections includes another copy of this edition; see entry number 3519.
Remarks book
This work was first published in Frankfurt in 1860 as "Eine Oster-Reise ins Heilige Land in Briefen an Freunde". Ex-Librs: Nathan Schur (1923-?)
Remarks content
The author travelled from Trieste to Corfu in March 1859, intending to visit the Ionian Islands. Because of quarantine restrictions, however, he decided not to disembark and sailed to Syros instead. There he met Mr. Hahn, the Austrian consul in Yiannina. Leter he was in Athens, where he was introduced to Queen Amalia. He based himself in Smyrna for a whiel. from where he took a series of successive journeys to Cairo, Alexandria and Ephesos. He was accompanied by his wife and children for part of these journeys. In between his travels around Greece he also went to Jerusalem, Syria and the Lebanon. The book is a series of letters written to family and friends. Far from being a straightforward description of Scherer's travels, it also includes a variety of other topics, like public and social life in Athens, Greek family life, food and drink in Smyrna and modern Greece and its antiquities.
Εγγύς Ανατολή--1859-1865, Μικρά Ασία--1859-1865, Σμύρνη--1859-1865, Κωνσταντινούπολη--1859-1865, Συρία--1859-1865, Αίγυπτος--1859-1865, Κέρκυρα--1859, Σύρος--1859, Αθήνα--1859, Χίος--1859, Ρόδος--1859, Κύπρος--1859
Second edition.
This item has no location info associated with it.
Item Relations
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Scherer, Hermann, “Reisen in der Levante in den Jahren 1859-65. In Briefen an Freunde von H. Scherer. -- Zweite vermehrte Ausgabe.,” travelogues, accessed February 26, 2025,