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The convergence of Bosporus and the Black Sea seen from Tarabya on the European coast of the Bosporus. Also shown is the position of Anadolu Kavağı (1) and its quay (4), Yoros Castel or Genoese Castle (2) and the structures added to the castle by the Ottomans (3), the Castle of Sultan Murad IV (5) and finally the European coast of the Bosporus.
Tags: Anadolu Kavağı / Kavakia, Architecture and built environment, Asia Minor, Bithynia, Black Sea, Boats and ships, Bosporus, Byzantine monuments, Castle of Murad IV (Istanbul), Castles and fortresses, Houses, Istanbul, Medieval monuments, Mosques, Ottoman monuments, Thrace, Turkey, Views, Yoros castle (Yoros kalesi)
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