PIACENZA, Francesco. L' Egeo redivivo, o'sia chorographia dell'Arcipelago, e dello stato primiero, & atuale di quellisole, regni, cittaà, popolationi, dominij, costumi, sito, & imprese..., Modena, Soliani, 1688.
Francesco Piacenza (1637-1687) was an Italian jurist, diplomat and chess player. He was professor of civil and canon law and secretary to the Catholic…
LEAKE, William Martin. Journal of a tour in Asia Minor, with comparative remarks on the ancient and modern geography of that country, London, John Murray, 1824.
Vice-coronel William Martin Leake (1777-1860) was a topographer, antiquarian and member of the society of the Dilettanti. He is considered one of the…
GERBELIUS, Nicolas. Nicolai Gerbelij in descriptionem Graeciae Sophiani, Praefatio… Eiusdem de situ, nominibus et regionibus Graeciae Perbrevis in picturam Sophiani Introductio [Basel, ex officina Ioannis Oporini…, 1545].
German humanist and law scholar Nicolaus Gerbel or Gerbelius (1485-1560) was born in Pforzheim. He studied at the Universities of Vienna (1502-1505),…
TAVERNIER, Jean Baptiste. Les six voyages … en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes ..., Paris, Gervaise Clouzier et Claude Barbin, M.D.C.LXXVII [=1677].
Jean Baptiste Tavernier (1605-1689) was Flemish, the son of a map seller. Passionate about travelling, he had visited numerous European countries…
BAUD-BOVY, Daniel / BOISSONNAS, Frédéric. Des Cyclades en Crète au gré du vent, Geneva, Boissonnas & Co, 1919.
Fr.-Fr. Boissonnas, nicknamed Fred (1858-1946) came from a Swiss family of photographers. An enthusiastic trekker, he started out on his journey from…
VECELLIO, Cesare. Costumes anciens et modernes. Habiti antichi et moderni di tutto il mondo di Cesare Vecellio, précédés d'un essai sur la gravure sur bois par M. Amb. Firmin Didot, vols Ι-ΙΙ, Paris, Firmin Didot Frères Fils & Cie, 1861-62.
Cesare Vecellio (c.1530-1601) was an Italian painter and engraver. He was born in the region of Veneto and died in Venice. He was a cousin of the…
CAMOCIO, Giovanni Francesco. Isole famose porti, fortezze, e terre maritime sottoposte alla Sig.ria di Venetia, ad altri Principi Christiani, et al Sig.or Turco..., Venice, alla libraria del segno di S.Marco [c. 1574].
Giovanni Francesco Camocio was a cartographer, publisher and printer. From 1558 onwards, he composed various island maps, which were very thorough and…
CORONELLI, [Vincenzo Maria] / PARISSOTI [Antonio]. Isola di Rodi. Geografica, Storica, Antica e Moderna, coll’altre adiacenti gia possedute da Cavalieri Hospitalieri …, Venice, Alla Libraria della Geografia, 1688.
Vincenzo Maria Coronelli (1650-1718) was an Italian Franciscan friar, cartographer, cosmographer and encyclopedist. Son of a Venetian tailor, he was…
GUYS, Pierre Augustin. Voyage littéraire de la Grèce, ou lettres sur les Grecs, anciens et modernes, avec un parallel de leurs moeurs. Nouvelle édition revue, corrigée, &…, augmentée…, vols I-II-ΙΙΙ-ΙV, Paris, Veuve Duchesne, 1783.
The Frenchman Pierre Augustin Guys (1721-1799) was a merchant as well as a member of the Academy of Letters and Sciences of Marseilles. He started his…
GRELOT, Guillaume Joseph. Relation nouvelle d’un voyage de Constantinople. Enrichie de plans levez par l’auteur sur les lieux…, [Paris, Veuve Damien Foucault/Pierre Rocolet, 1680].
Guillaume Joseph Grelot (c.1630-?) was a French painter. In 1671 he set out to accompany French merchant J. Chardin in his travels to Persia, which…
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