Temple of Hera in Paestum. 1. Plan of the temple. 2. Part of the entablature with details of the column and column capital. 3. Drawing of columm capital. 4. Decorative elements of th echinus of column capital.

Dublin Core


DELAGARDETTE, Claude Mathieu


Temple of Hera in Paestum. 1. Plan of the temple. 2. Part of the entablature with details of the column and column capital. 3. Drawing of columm capital. 4. Decorative elements of th echinus of column capital.

Alternative Title

De la basilique: [1.] Plan restauré. [2.] Entablement et chapiteau. [3.] Profil de la gorge. [4.] Variétés des ornaments de la gorge des chapiteaux.



Bibliographic Citation

DELAGARDETTE, Claude Mathieu. Les ruines de Paestum ou Posidonia, ancienne ville de la grande Grèce: a vingt-deux lieues de Naples dans le golfe de Salerne: Levées, mesurées et dessinées sur les lieux, l'an II. Par C. M. Delagardette, architecte, pensionaire de la République à l'Ecole des Arts à Rome, Paris, Chez l'Auteur, An VII, [=1798-9].



Spatial Coverage

Paestum / anc. Poseidonia



Art and antiquities

Architectue and built environment


This item has no location info associated with it.

Item Relations

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DELAGARDETTE, Claude Mathieu, “Temple of Hera in Paestum. 1. Plan of the temple. 2. Part of the entablature with details of the column and column capital. 3. Drawing of columm capital. 4. Decorative elements of th echinus of column capital. ,” travelogues, accessed February 23, 2025, https://english.travelogues.gr/items/show/57076.