51. The prince heir to the Ottoman throne. On his right, the window through which the Sultan spied on the meetings of the Divan (assembly of Ottoman officials). 52. Plan of the Tower of Leander (bottom right). Plan of mosque (bottom centre). Drawing of minaret (bottom left) and other architectural and decorative features of a mosque (top) 57. Detail from wall decoration of the imperial mosques of Istanbul. 63. Wooden floor of Ottoman house in Istanbul.

Dublin Core


MONCONYS, Balthasar de


51. The prince heir to the Ottoman throne. On his right, the window through which the Sultan spied on the meetings of the Divan (assembly of Ottoman officials). 52. Plan of the Tower of Leander (bottom right). Plan of mosque (bottom centre). Drawing of minaret (bottom left) and other architectural and decorative features of a mosque (top) 57. Detail from wall decoration of the imperial mosques of Istanbul. 63. Wooden floor of Ottoman house in Istanbul.



Bibliographic Citation

MONCONYS, Balthasar de. Journal de voyages de Monsieur Monconys, Conseiller du Roy en ses conseils d'estat & priué, & Lieutenant criminel au Siege Presidial de Lyon. Où les Sçavants trouveront un nombre infini de nouveautez, en Machines de Mathematique, Experiences Physiques, Raisonnemens de la belle Philosophie, curiositez de Chymie, & conversations des Illustres de ce Siecle; Outre la description de diuers Animaux & Plantes rares, plusieurs Secrets inconnus pour le Plaisir & la Santé, les Ouvrages des Peintres fameux, les Coûtumes & Moeurs des Nations, & ce qu'il y a de plus digne de la connoissance d'un honeste Homme dans les trois Parties du Monde. Enrichi de quantité de Figures en Taille-douce des lieux & des choses principales, avec des Indices tres-exacts & tres commodes pour l'usage, vol. I, Lyon, chez Horace Boissat & George Remeus, 1665.



Spatial Coverage





Architecture and built environment

State and military institutions - Diplomatic relations


Item Relations

This item has no relations.



MONCONYS, Balthasar de , “51. The prince heir to the Ottoman throne. On his right, the window through which the Sultan spied on the meetings of the Divan (assembly of Ottoman officials). 52. Plan of the Tower of Leander (bottom right). Plan of mosque (bottom centre). Drawing of minaret (bottom left) and other architectural and decorative features of a mosque (top) 57. Detail from wall decoration of the imperial mosques of Istanbul. 63. Wooden floor of Ottoman house in Istanbul. ,” travelogues, accessed February 23, 2025, https://english.travelogues.gr/items/show/57044.