1. Plan and section plan of the putative Tumulus of Aias in the Troad. 2. Section plan of the putative Tumulus of Achilles in the Troad. 3. View of the putative Tumulus of Patroclus in the Troad.
Dublin Core
LECHEVALIER, Jean Baptiste
1. Plan and section plan of the putative Tumulus of Aias in the Troad. 2. Section plan of the putative Tumulus of Achilles in the Troad. 3. View of the putative Tumulus of Patroclus in the Troad.
Alternative Title
1. Plan et coupe du tombeau d'Ajax. 2. Coupe du tombeau d'Achille. 3. Tombeau de Patrocle.
Bibliographic Citation
LECHEVALIER, Jean-Baptiste. Voyage dans la Troade ou Tableau de la plaine de Troie dans son etat actuel, Paris, Laran, AN VII [=1799].Identifier
Spatial Coverage
The Troad
Asia Minor
Art and antiquities
Item Relations
This item has no relations.
LECHEVALIER, Jean Baptiste, “1. Plan and section plan of the putative Tumulus of Aias in the Troad. 2. Section plan of the putative Tumulus of Achilles in the Troad. 3. View of the putative Tumulus of Patroclus in the Troad. ,” travelogues, accessed March 7, 2025, https://english.travelogues.gr/items/show/48921.