Inscriptions. Fig. 1,2. Inscriptions from the Temple of Jupiter [Beit Mery]. Fig. 3. Inscription from the church of St. Demetrius [Thessaloniki]. Fig. 4, 5. Inscription from the Temple of Aphrodisias. Fig. 6. Inscription from the church of [Church of Panagia Chalkeon (Thessaloniki)]. Fig. 7. Inscription from the gate of Aphrodisias. Fig. 8. Inscription from the altar at Auriol. Fig. 9. Altar at Auriol. Fig. 10 & 11. Details of altar at Auriol.

Dublin Core


TEXIER, Charles Félix Marie


Inscriptions. Fig. 1,2. Inscriptions from the Temple of Jupiter [Beit Mery]. Fig. 3. Inscription from the church of St. Demetrius [Thessaloniki]. Fig. 4, 5. Inscription from the Temple of Aphrodisias. Fig. 6. Inscription from the church of [Church of Panagia Chalkeon (Thessaloniki)]. Fig. 7. Inscription from the gate of Aphrodisias. Fig. 8. Inscription from the altar at Auriol. Fig. 9. Altar at Auriol. Fig. 10 & 11. Details of altar at Auriol.

Alternative Title

Inscriptions. Fig. 1,2. Inscriptions from the Temple of Jupiter Balmarcos. Fig. 3. Inscription from the church of St. Demetrius. Fig. 4, 5. Inscription from the Temple of Aphrodisias. Fig. 6. Inscription from the church of St. Bardias, Thessalonica. Fig. 7. Inscription from the gate of Aphrodisias. Fig. 8. Inscription from the altar at Auriol. Fig. 9. Altar at Auriol. Fig. 10 & 11. Details of altar at Auriol.



Bibliographic Citation

TEXIER, Charles. Byzantine Architecture illustrated by a series of the earliest Christian edifices in the East, London, Day and Son, 1864.



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TEXIER, Charles Félix Marie, “Inscriptions. Fig. 1,2. Inscriptions from the Temple of Jupiter [Beit Mery]. Fig. 3. Inscription from the church of St. Demetrius [Thessaloniki]. Fig. 4, 5. Inscription from the Temple of Aphrodisias. Fig. 6. Inscription from the church of [Church of Panagia Chalkeon (Thessaloniki)]. Fig. 7. Inscription from the gate of Aphrodisias. Fig. 8. Inscription from the altar at Auriol. Fig. 9. Altar at Auriol. Fig. 10 & 11. Details of altar at Auriol.,” travelogues, accessed March 7, 2025,