Hadrian's Library in Athens: 1. The capital and entablature of the columns on the front of the building. 2. Section of the capital. 3. Bottom plan of mouldings. 4. Architrave of the interior of the portal and moulding of the abacus of the capital, continued underneath the architrave.

Dublin Core


STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas


Hadrian's Library in Athens: 1. The capital and entablature of the columns on the front of the building. 2. Section of the capital. 3. Bottom plan of mouldings. 4. Architrave of the interior of the portal and moulding of the abacus of the capital, continued underneath the architrave.

Alternative Title

Fig. 1. Chapiteau et entablement des colonnes de la façade. 2. Coupe du chapiteau. 3. Soffite du larmier et des modillons qui la soutiennent Fig. 4. Architrave de l'intérieur du portail, et moulures de l'abaque du chapiteau qui sont continuées sous l'architrave.



Bibliographic Citation

STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas. Les Antiquités d’Athènes, mesurées et dessinées par J. Stuart and N. Revett, peintres et architectes. Ouvrage traduit de l’Anglais, par L.F.F.…, vol. Ι, Paris, Firmin Didot, 1808.



Spatial Coverage





Art and antiquities

Architecture and built environment


Item Relations

This item has no relations.



STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas, “ Hadrian's Library in Athens: 1. The capital and entablature of the columns on the front of the building. 2. Section of the capital. 3. Bottom plan of mouldings. 4. Architrave of the interior of the portal and moulding of the abacus of the capital, continued underneath the architrave. ,” travelogues, accessed February 22, 2025, https://english.travelogues.gr/items/show/39936.