Horologion of Andronikos Kyrristos (Tower of the Winds), Athens:

Fig 1. The capital and entablature of the portico before the door. Fig. 2. A fragment of the Dentells belonging to the cornice of the entablature. Fig. 3. The profile of the cornice belonging to the circular projection under the figure of ΝΟΤΟΣ.

Dublin Core


STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas


Horologion of Andronikos Kyrristos (Tower of the Winds), Athens:

Fig 1. The capital and entablature of the portico before the door. Fig. 2. A fragment of the Dentells belonging to the cornice of the entablature. Fig. 3. The profile of the cornice belonging to the circular projection under the figure of ΝΟΤΟΣ.

Alternative Title

Fig. 1 Chapiteau et entablement de l'un des portiques de la Tour. Fig.2.Fragment des denticules de la corniche de cet entablement Fig. 3 Profil de la corniche de la partie circulaire ajoutée sur la face qui porte la figure de ΝΟΤΟΣ.



Bibliographic Citation

STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas. Les Antiquités d’Athènes, mesurées et dessinées par J. Stuart and N. Revett, peintres et architectes. Ouvrage traduit de l’Anglais, par L.F.F.…, vol. Ι, Paris, Firmin Didot, 1808.



Spatial Coverage





Art and antiquities

Architecture and built environment


Item Relations

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STUART, James / REVETT, Nicholas, “Horologion of Andronikos Kyrristos (Tower of the Winds), Athens: Fig 1. The capital and entablature of the portico before the door. Fig. 2. A fragment of the Dentells belonging to the cornice of the entablature. Fig. 3. The profile of the cornice belonging to the circular projection under the figure of ΝΟΤΟΣ.,” travelogues, accessed March 4, 2025, https://english.travelogues.gr/items/show/39916.