Tags: Art and antiquities, Italy, Rome, Sculptures, Socrates, Vatican, Vatican Museum
Tags: Art and antiquities, Athens, Attica, Central Greece, Children, Costume - Hats and headwear, Greece, Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Plato, Socrates
Tags: Ancient pottery / Vase painting, Anselm Feuerbach, Art and antiquities, Children, Costume - Hats and headwear, Everyday objects / Domestic utensils and vessels, Greece, Human types, Imaginary representations - Reconstructions, Social sphere and everyday life, Socrates
Tags: Art and antiquities, Athens, Attica, Central Greece, Funerary monuments, Greece, Plans and drawings, Socrates
Tags: Aristotle, Art and antiquities, Diogenes the Cynic, Greece, History, Philosophers, Plato, Portraits, Sculptures, Socrates
Tags: Aristotle, Greece, History, Plato, Portraits, Pythagoras, Socrates, Zeno
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